My Fourth Treasure, my third son, Kameron was a surprise from the Lord. We are so joyful beyond measure that God gave us this last blessing. He is a joy and brings laughter to our house.
As I write this post, Kameron is just 4 days away from turning 15. It blows my mind that my youngest is about to get his driving permit. It seems like only yesterday that we were all teaching him how to ride a bike down in the parking lot of the Park behind our house. Of course, Kameron can't wait. He was the only one of my four who actually took Driver's Ed. at the allowed age of 14 and a half.
Kameron is a "small business owner." Three years ago, Katie turned her neighborhood pet-sitting business over to Kameron. He expanded his services to include yardwork, purchased business cards, advertised in the neighborhood newsletter, and waited for the calls to come in. His business has kept him consistently busy, and he has built up his clientele over the years. He has also refereed for SOAR soccer games for the last two seasons to earn extra money. He has saved just about every penny he has made. He is frugal,or as his dad puts it, "Kameron is TIGHT!" He has invested in CD's, set up online interest-bearing savings accounts (after shopping around for the best rate), set up funds in a local bank for savings with an atm card, and now is investing in Scott-Trade. He has always been our "in-house bank". Whenever anyone needs money for a short term loan or needs to make change, we go to Bank of Kameron.
He is never begrudging about loaning. We are grateful. :-)
Again, my fourth child also accepted Christ as his Savior somewhere between 4 and 5. When he did, I ran out and told all the other kids, and we made such a "whooping, hollering deal" about it, that he got embarrassed and ran to his room and hid under his bed. Oh well, at least he knew it had made us happy!
Kameron is a jokester and a prankster. One time he went out on the deck around midnight and popped a Mylar balloon, and it sounded like a hand grenade had gone off in the back yard. We were alarmed, but he never said a word!!!...until the next day, that is. "OH, THAT noise, yeah that was just me." He's a mess!
Kameron has joined the Crew leadership team with the Senior High Youth at Christ Covenant. He enjoys being in a small group for the fellowship and growth the guys all give to one another.. and the FUN!! He appreciates his leader's encouragement. He has enjoyed being a part of the teams who have led Backyard Bible Clubs and is known as "Captain Cold" in those circles.
He sings in the Teen Choir and likes wearing the tux for special concerts. Mom thinks he looks sharp! :-)
His biggest delight in school studies has been ongoing research and reading on the various North American natives. He has his room decorated with various Indian artifacts and figures. His Facebook page has a quote from Geronimo on it.
He likes to push my buttons and "act" like a puddleglum and a pessimist, just because he knows I am always encouraging optimism and positive attitudes in our home. The picture below shows his "put-on" frown. But when it comes down to it, I know Kameron has a faithful and positive outlook for our lives. He is a prayer warrior, too. If we announce a "family circle" of prayer for something we feel the need to storm the throne of God about, he is right there and ready with mighty prayers.
Kameron and his 2 brothers have always gotten along, and I have never had to come between any of them to break up any kind of arguing that had gotten out of hand, or any physical fighting. They are wonderful young men, and they are all three different but tolerate their minor differences. Kameron has never bugged or purposely aggravated his big brothers. He loves and appreciates them, I do believe. :-)
I also know he appreciates his big sis for all the help and aid she has given to him when he needed to buy and sell on eBay, her opinions on Scott-Trade, and the fact that she turned her established business over to him.
I believe Kameron has some kind of challenge from Justin going on while he is at Parris Island. He evidently has been told that he has to be at a certain level of a game all 3 brothers play on the computer. I can tell by the daily time spent on it, that he is taking the challenge seriously. And of course he has to be eating for energy to reach the highest level.
We love our fourth treasure. He is the "Captain Crunch Kid." Kurt and I can't imagine life without him. He is always ready for a card game with Kurt, and is my loyal grocery unloader! He has always rolled with the punches and hung in there when the going got tough for us as a family. We can't wait to see how God will work in his life and what HIS calling will be for Kameron as he leaves home to go out and make God's mark on the world. He is a joy, a vessel spilling laughter into our house, and a child that we are proud of for all of his accomplishments. We thank God for the surprise of Kameron James!
1 comment:
I think when you say "Scott eTrade", you are referring to "Scottrade". :-)
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