Thursday, September 10, 2009

A Merry Heart....

"He who is of a merry heart has a continual feast." (Proverbs 15:15b)

Today...this verse appeared in my daily Scripture Snippet.(to the right) What a very small statement, yet how LARGE is the message. The book of Proverbs is full of these mini-messages that pack a truth about our life here on earth.

One online definition said:

Full of high-spirited gaiety; jolly.
Marked by or offering fun; festive:

Another offered this:
uninhibited and innocent joy

a merry heart
.... a "spirit" of happiness, carefree, seemingly free of worries.

Has A Continual Feast
....a never-ending, "doesn't run out" setting placed before one to fill up on.

What is the HUGE message in this little verse?

When I am kneeling before my Lord, lifting my hands away all that would keep my heart from being "merry" this day, becoming innocent to all that would seek to darken my day, cloud my thoughts, and cover my light...He reaches down and takes it away, as He has promised. And in it's place He sets a "feast" to give me the joy that consistently feeds my spirit all day. Why? Because I have given all to Him. I have released the cares, relented my tendency to hold on and try to "fix", and there is no fear, because I am given a merry heart. Once again, I know....that my Heavenly Father, whose banner over me is love...will handle everything and make it work for my best, and I can rest....and feast.

Is your heart merry today? Is your spirit feasting on all God would give you? Are you filled up so that you can share and invite others to this continuous feast?

He waits.... The One Who holds everything and owns everything desires to give you that merry heart.

God is good. All the time. Yes..He is good.

Going to see my Marine. Blessings!

1 comment:

Brittany said...

thanks for stopping by my blog!

i'm hosting a Goodwill party every week. stop by and join in!