Today is Friday April 22, 2011. Today is a Good Day! Today is GOOD FRIDAY...
This is the day that is one of the most monumental in the history of this world.
The ONE...The Only ONE who could possibly provide the solution, the saving ACT to redeem this broken world full of created beings who were separated from their maker...DIED. He willingly gave up His world and position of beauty, power, peace, authority, glory, honor, comfort...and came here. Down. Stepped Down....into our world. And lived the life of a man...though never shedding HIS BEING GOD. And HE gave up HIS life to be the ONE ONLY ACCEPTABLE, ATONING SACRIFICE that would bridge all of us back to a relationship with GOD the Father...
And in doing that, He provided the way. In conquering death, which no man could do...HE gave us the miraculous gift of Eternal Life.
Life is a journey. We walk it, and then...our earthly suits that eat and breathe and sleep...wear out. They die. But what we are...A Soul...does not die. It steps over the threshold of this world and into the never-ending world. There is life with the Loving Creator in Heaven...forever. And there is life without Our Creator, In Hell...forever. This is not opinion. It is Biblical. The direct words and teachings of the ONE who formed and gave us life. It is HIS manual. His words. His teachings. His warnings. His promises.
Today is Good Friday. The saddest day in all of history, yet only to lead up to the most glorious day in all of time...EASTER. The climax and awesome finale to an amazing and unbelievable story.
God is Good....All the time...GOD IS GOOD! Even in what looks bad...God is working good. Yes! Amen... Do you know this story in your heart?..not just your head???
I hope so! With God...Life has purpose. With God...All is well. With God..All things are possible. Hallelujah...God is Lord indeed.
This is my life's foundation. It is what I believe and I practice the Presence of this ONE God in my life. He walks with me now...DOWN here...and I will walk with HIM one day....UP there...where my loved ones already are. Praise the Lord.
Today is also a GOOD FRIDAY....because MY HUBBY IS COMING HOME FOR A WEEK!!!!! I can't wait!!! Oh how I miss that man... We will be working hard on projects to continue to get our house ready to go on the market, and of course just catching up being together...
Today is a GOOD FRIDAY, because I have gotten the
return window for the dates of the RETURN HOME OF MY MARINE FROM LIBYA!!! BIG USMC OOO-RAH!!!!! Not long now...
Today is a GOOD FRIDAY because it is the weekend of my 3rd-born's 20th birthday!!!!
Today is a GOOD FRIDAY because we will finish up Kameron's annual state testing required for homeschoolers...YAY!
And today is a good day...just because. It is a new day. It is a gift from God. What shall I do with it??? That is my gift back to HIM...
Such a LOOOOONG Post...I shall close with 3 simple things in life that have given me a smile on my a face and joy in my heart...

My Lilac Bush is loaded with these...and I have been SO busy I almost missed it. I looked out my side window the other day and gasped...I cut some this morning and brought them in only for today. Kurt and Kam have a hard time with strong scented flowers..I know as soon as Kam walks in my bath and smells them I will hear...(wherever I am in the house) SWEET MOTHER OF MERCY!!! WHAT'S THAT SMELL? and then the sneezes will commence...Same for Kurt...so I shall dispense with them before 10:00 tonite when he flies in...but in the meantime... :-)

OH my...I love these Rhododendron. So lovely...They are everywhere in the mountain areas of NC, and I feel blessed to have a bush in my shady yard. Simple Beauty gracing a room inside...I smile...

A natural nest from our yard. Jonny cut down big shrubs on the side of our house ....getting ready for the SIDING contractors who will be coming soon. When taking it to the street, he found this, and knowing his mama...brought it to her.
(the eggs are not real...it was vacant) It now sits on this little throne for display and makes me smile, thinking of the mama who labored and built and feathered and fluffed her little nest to make a home and haven for her babies...

And in closing this e-journal for April...a reveal on one corner of my bath that I have finished giving a face-lift. The toilet nook... The color below the chair rail is no longer a Royal Blue, but a soft Robin's Egg Blue...The stenciling stays! TOO much work in that labor of feathering to paint over it. And the simple and neutral touches of white along with my Sailor Boy with Pups print that I LOVE!!!! I am happy with the way the bath looks now. Hoping that as potential buyers view it...they will also think it attractive..
Closing out this long entry into my postings of Life here on Woodberry in this changing Cottage. Trying to Disconnect from it one day at a time...an act that takes intentional effort...
God bless all who may pop in this way.
****Unfortunately my BLOGGER ability to comment is broken down again, and all comments are dropping into a Black Hole somewhere out there in Internet Space...all this after more work had to be done on the innards of my computer just to be able to get into my emails which froze up...Seriously going to have to get a new computer after this move...I AM VISITING my bloggy sisters....just cannot talk to you again.... KATIE!!!!! HELP!!!!!!!!
God bless our Military Heroes ....Keep them safe...Bring them home....Bless the waiting and praying families here in the states...