Two scary little exit-goodbye photos of Jonny's old room after he pushed all of Justin's stuff in there and moved into the Marine's old room????
Well...I am finished in the door is closed. Ready for Buyer Viewing...Now a guest room/spare room. Pleased to Say it is all thrifted or hand me downs...
This pretty Tray Table was a Craig's find. The girl just wanted to get rid of it and had been carrying it around in her car for weeks, and met me this past winter to sell it. Sweet!!
LOVE this French 3 seater rush seat bench (thanks to a very generous Tip from a new client.)
Craig's List...did it in a distressed blue. The antique mirror - GW ..and vintage blue heater from my grandparent's farm house...restored long ago by my hubby.
Also love this chipped old Welcome relief plaque.. Goodwill
This is actually a Clock Face table - bought it broken at Salvation Army last Fall, and got my Dad to put new clockworks in it. Love it. All of the green and white glass electrical insulators piled in the white wire basket came from my other grandparent's farmhouse.
This white dresser is an antique that was painted a HIGH glossy black. Looked like it belonged in a Chinese restaurant...$20 on Craig's List. Kam helped me pick it up and load it, yes down a flight of stairs...After 6 coats of primer, blue, and then white paint, with new glass knobs...She is so lovely in her new outfit..
The print on the wall above is unusual art for me to get, but when I saw it at Habitat Restore, it just shouted IOWA to me...(please don't question me about these things!) Corn state...Beef cows are corn fed...oh well...I do love prints of animals and children, 'specially if they are vintage, and I have never seen a Bovine print in blue grab it - I DID! It WILL hang in my hew home in Iowa!! I love the vintage stained glass lamp..also a GW find this past winter.
The little chair was my mom's when she was a child. The Candlestick was silver, but I decided to give it a white coat since it was a GW find. Just some whimsy...and more blue and white.
A shot of the bed. The wicker headboard was a freebie from a friend when I helped her move and she did not want it. The breakfast tray got a white coat - came from Salvation Army. The bedside wicker table came from GW already white, just polished the dirty brass handle.Even the Shabby Chic Rachel Ashwell quilt at the end of the bed came from GW in beautiful shape for just 2.99!!!!! The white fringed spread came from Salvation Army for 1.99!! The toile neck roll pillow was also Salvation Army for .99!
This is one of my favorite finds on Craig's List. A vintage typewriter. **Craig's List $15!!! If you have seen these out and about, you know that is a SCREAMING DEAL!!!! It reminds me so much of a scene in one of my favorite Jimmy Stewart movies, You Can't Take It With You. The mom was always sitting at a little table typing away on one of these hoping to become a playwright one day...Always had a kitten walking all around her and the typewriter! :-) Oh those old days of typing on nice stationary, signing, and stamping the envelope and putting it in the post...No Emailing and Keyboarding....!
This pretty little vintage table was decrepit and scuffed at GW, but for 3.99 I grabbed her, brought her home, cleaned her tightened all the screws and nails, gave her a dry brush coat of white, and then blue, and there she sits. The Vintage Replogle Globe resting on her was in a toy bin at Goodwill all messed up with screws undone. It dangled around like it had broken limbs all over. It too was 3.99. I had just seen one on Craig's List recently for 55.00, but it was a newer model. I could tell by the base. I love the raised relief geographical bumps on it! :-)
Okay...closing the door again. I have also just finished Kameron's room, and I am starting on the boys' bathroom next. This is my post of stuff done to get ready for a move...and also for my hubby to see what I have been busy doing!!
Hugs and Hugs and Hugs to my Iowa Man...whom I miss very very very very much!!!
Blessings to all who might stop by here to visit or see what's going on in our busy little corner here in NC...
Thank you for remembering our Military Heroes and my beloved Marine, Justin, in his deployment over near Libya. God bless them ALL!!!
You are a busy little beaver! wow, I should of had you do my house! I kick myself now for leaving my house EMPTY!! Oh well, live and learn.
Praying for you.
Exciting stuff going on for you! I know
you are looking forward to moving and
being with your hubby again. Hope you
find that beautiful farmhouse you want.
Very nice... you do have a lot going on, lady!!! Praying for you and your family... especially Justin! xoxo
That all looks fantastic Julie..good job! I love the art print..very cool1 ;D
Stunning, you could make a very good living doing this kind of stuff...maybe get your own show on HGTV;) it looks beautiful! You know that I am keeping all of you in my prayers. Hugs MMS!
Julie, We just got back from Charlotte where I did not have access to my computer, but I so longed to email you to see if we could meet up! It sure was beautiful there. And your room turned out so beautiful. Love the pale blue colors, especially on that French bench. It must be hard to get ready to sell there to move to Iowa, but like you, I would do anything possible to be with the hubby! Sending hugs to you Julie and prayers for your dear Marine. xoxo ~Lili
Love it !!! You are a decorating diva:). Love you bunches.
I love all you've done, Julie dear. Lots of hours put in here. But I know Kurt is proud of the fruit of your labors of love he sees here. ;)
Wowsa, Julie! You are amazing. Great job. I hope Iowa is ready for you!
I'm SO impressed, Julie!!!
If I were shopping from
this room, I would want
the cow print, the french
bench, the clock table
and the basket of insulators,
as starters!!! All the fun
things that I love. I can
see why you have been so
busy....and my fingers are
crossed that it will pay off,
soon. Now, you just need to
figure out when you can visit
Iowa and I can take a road trip
down there and visit YOU : ) !!
Have a great week!
xx Suzanne
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