We got through our two Realtor meetings! WHEW!!!! Now it is a waiting game for the realtors to get all of the information turned in to the Relocation Company and then wait for their packages/response to come back. If the two assessments are more than 5% off, I have been told we shall have to go through it all over again with a 3rd Realtor....oh please, oh please!!!! I hope not!
Out of the two ladies, I have definitely made my choice. One came in with all of her homework done already and the other did not. She was uber- prepared to sit and talk over everything and what, when, and how the Company and SHE would work for us... (all of this AHEAD of time even though she knew I had not made my choice)...It was awesome...
**Something else maybe you didn't know about me.....**
When we were doing the walk-through/tour for her to take photos to send to the Relocation people, she stopped in the Living Room, and said "WOW...can we just stop here for a minute??? I want to look at this...". SURE! :-)
Some of my COSTUME Jewelry collection...( I emphasize the Costume part!!!!!) MUCH of it was my maternal Grandmother's and also some my mother's and some just pieces I have collected over the years as I have found it in Thrifts...
Some Favorites...
Do any of you remember seeing these Kitty pins?
Some more Feline pins...not all are vintage...
Some Canine pins...The Twin swivel head gold Terrier pin is my Favorite, but I love the Pewter blackbowed Scottie too.
Some of the Lovely bracelets..
A few of the pins..These type make up the bulk of the collection..evidently my Grandmama loved to wear these with scarves! of course she had earbobs to match! **(which I CAN NOT WEAR!! THEY PINCH THE #*@ out of your ear lobe...my mom DID wear them, but I'll stick to Pierced thank you!!! *you can convert them if you want...)
All of these pieces remind me of the bond of love I share with my Grandmother and Mother...I like to walk by and see them every day...VERY sentimental...These will be packed up by MOI!!!
Other pieces/necklaces/faux pearls I have in glass decanters here and there...again, just so that I can see them..
Evidently that gal loves this kind of stuff too, so we interrupted our tour and talked a bit.
***When she asked me later how I felt about Open House events, I said I DEFINITELY do NOT desire to have one if we don't have to...Gives me the willy-nillies to think of just any Joe, Moe, or Sally walking through my house without a realtor representative... and only my realtor sitting there...no thanks...!!!!! Not a good idea in these times...NOT Safe...She feels the same way...
I am so private anyway and just putting my house on the market and opening it up to strangers is sSsSsSsSOoOoOoOo HARD for me...but I know...MUST be done...
In clearing and cleaning out and making more "room and space" to the eye...my floor clock in the Living Room went out...
but.. I have saved the hanging clock and just sprayed the stand white and put it to use on the deck with the chandy, (as I DON'T want to get rid of it)...One day it may go back to its original state...in a new home!
It is Wednesday once again, which always sends me over to Kathleen's before I go to bed, for White Wednesday to see lots of pretty whites... I am not joining in today, but have a changeover to "white" to record/post...This bentwood cane stool got a coat of white and is out of the garage and in the Guest Room. I love cane and wicker.
This vintage little wall clock got a facelift from worn wood to a weathered blue/white look. It hangs in the back hall beside the thermostat. The small clock/thermometer attached to it was made by my dad.
I can sense the Winds of Change blowing once again...I believe the sign will be in the yard SOON! I am cleaning~cleaning~cleaning out and getting ready for a Moving Sale this Saturday. Praying for NO RAIN!!!

The Marine called and said he would be here this weekend! RAH!!!!! So HAPPY that HOME is still close enough for him to just hop on that highway and GET HERE!

Everything going on here is "bathed in prayer", and committed to the Lord's will and perfect plans for us. Praying very much for a quick sale...ALL things are POSSIBLE with God. It is a wonderful wonderful thing to talk to my hubby every night 800 miles away and to pray together...it strengthens the bond, builds Hope, and makes our Faith HANG IN THERE....What a journey....a LOOOONG time coming, but we believe and HOPE for the end to be very near...
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart;
Do not depend on your own understanding.
Seek His will in all you do,
and He will show you which path to take." (Proverbs 3:5-6)
To My Iowa Man:

Grateful for all those bloggy sisters who are following along, checking in from time to time, and encouraging, inspiring, praying, and cheering...You are awesome...
Have a WONDERFUL Wednesday...

Oh sweet friend, I remember when we sold our old house 9 years ago... it was hard for me too! My Realtor gave me great advice and I did what she said! I never liked the idea of anyone being in my house when I wasn't there! At that time, I was still working and couldn't be there! It was hard but we got it sold and moved on to where we are now!
Hope all goes well with your sell! LOVE the jewelry, nev-vah thought about displaying it:) I learn so many great tips from you!
BIG HUGS! Enjoy that fella this weekend... I know you will!
So glad things are moving along. I hope you pick this gal, she sounds like a real pro and kindred spirit. i don't blame you about open houses. I wouldn't do one either. Love the standing clock! I have always wanted one. I think clocks are cool.
I have my grandma's christmas candy tin of costume jewelry. I used to get it off of the top of her dresser and sit in front of the hall mirror and play with it for hours. She had clip on earrings that I could play with and wear! My mom had pierced ears so I couldn't play with hers. Besides, my grandma was a flashy lady and I loved all the sparkle and colors!
When she died, I grabbed the tin. It still makes me smile!
Pray for my cousin's son, he left the states today for Iraq. Army boy.
Hugs- Tete
Don't think I ever saw your jewelry collection.
I have a friend who would love every piece as
she's a collector. Very pretty stuff.
Hoping and praying all goes well with the
sell and move.
Enjoy your family this weekend.
wow! What an interesting and fun post! Loved it! Love you and praying for all! xoxo
Hooray! So glad that you have that part behind you. Before you know it, you will have the middle part behind you (house sold!) and you will be feathering your new nest in Iowa. I'm so excited for you, Julie!
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your jewelry display! Made me homesick for my grandma! I have a few of her pins and they are treasures to me, as well. I just never thought of putting them out where I could see them every day, as you have so beautifully done. I am always getting ideas from you!
Hope you have a wonderful weekend, Julie! Glad you are still close enough (for now) that Justin can just hop in the truck and head "home" for the weekend. I know you revel in every minute you have like that with each of your kids...such a wonderful example of a godly mama.
That was a really great post. I've never seen this blog before but this post is great. Especially the part of the title with the winds of change. Thanks. Move Out Cleaner.
Love love love your vintage brooches and jewelry Julie! That is so awesome that they are from your Mom/Grandmother. Sounds like you're in good hands to get your move underway. So good to know your Marine is close enough to make it home for the weekend! xoxo ~Lili
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