It's Monday. **SMILE** A new week is already in the works! Go have yourself a great day and give some cheer away!! Be intentional.
Hodge Podge - a disorderly or jumbled array of different things or news...
Well Now ...that fits for today.
Anyone who has read past posts knows I have a fondness for Scottie Dogs. I have a number of discovered treasures scattered around the house that give testimony . These two vintage Scottie vases or pots are just adorable to me. In pastel green and pink, they make a perfect pair to rest in the old green cupboard in the entry. *Love*
See the little birds in the oval mat ? That was a vintage work of art in a wooden frame either from Salvation Army or GW. I decided to keep the sweet birdies for a background and repurposed the frame.
Remember this cow print hanging in a room in the cottage on Woodberry?
Well...THAT rustic frame was JUST the right size and look for the Nancy Noel print I had...patiently waiting to be framed.
!! This hodge podge post is simply another e-journal entry, a personal record of what goes on in my home. So if you are still reading down, *warning*...it's a rambler. :-) !!
The blue bovine print was stiff and HEAVILY rippled/wrinkled because of age. I couldn't really repair it, but didn't want to get rid of it. I took the piece apart...framed the "Bluebell" print seen in an earlier post ....(below)
I then trimmed down the rippled print in order to fit the smaller wood frame. This is a longer skinny frame...
Think "TRAY" :-)
Now that "table-topper tray" just fits the little shabby blue table in the guest room.
Another round robin exchange.... various swaps and tweaking and transformations in the nest. Sometimes the winds of creativity begin to blow with all manner of ideas grinding out in my head and my thoughts are turning like a whirligig out in the garden.

If I don't write some of these inspirations down, I actually lose them and when I try to remember later??? ... I can't! Thus, some things get done really fast around here before I lose the creative thought! Bless the Lord for a wonderful and understanding husband.
That being said...I will end my hodge podge post today with this FACT.
I love my sweet - patient - loving Iowa Man. He made my day yesterday morning, and I don't think he even really knows it!
I had placed this photo on my computer screen as the current background because I liked the lighting and shadows so much.
He had noticed it, and started studying it, because he liked it...trying to figure out where he had SEEN it. --- finally figured out it was our house, across the hall. (for anybody who possibly is new reading here...we only JUST moved into this house, so don't think he's dense or unobservant...I just work hard and fast so lots gets put together while he's at work any week. Plus the doors are only cracked open about 4-5 inches for heat circulation *that way the dogs aren't tempted to go in there when I'm out!)
He came out into the kitchen where I was getting coffee, and said.."Ya know what?..You are GOOD!"...
My reply? - "How so?"
His response..."That photo back on your computer screen...is really good. I like it. I figured out it was the guest room."
If that doesn't put a smile on this Nesting Woman's face...boys howdy...I don't know WHAT will.
~~~~~~~~~*********HE'S A KEEPER!********~~~~~~~~~
To Da Man:

Closing the door on this Hodge-Podge post with this line from a great women's author, Elizabeth George.
"The woman who answers her high callings from God to love husband and children and build a home has a 'high and sacred mission on earth'!"
"She watches over the ways of her household." (Proverbs 31:27)
Hugs to all my bloggy sisters out in the electronic world dropping into many homes and nests to visit with other gals just like themselves...Spread that cheer today. It truly IS Contagious! God Bless you with a MERRY MONDAY!!!

God WATCH OVER all our military Heroes out there.

I like that picture too because of the lights and shadows. In fact I like your entire house!
That little bird picture is so sweet. Wish I could come across something like that. Maybe I
will when I go out this week to the thrift shops.
I feel like most of my posts are hodge podges but it is my journal too:) You are really getting lots done in your new home BUT I already knew you would! Your honey is so sweet to notice the computer background and try to figure out where it was! I know your home is a happy one! I remember when you lived in one house, he lived somewhere else AND your heart missed him so much! I am happy you are together again! Cute cow works:) Enjoy your week my friend, HUGS!
What a beautiful guest room. That is so cool that it caught Kurt's eye enough to comment and compliment his uber talented wife. I'm so happy you two are together in the same place again! xoxo ~Lili
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