I have been looking and looking for a bedside stand for Kurt's side of the bed, and have not had success since we moved here. I shopped the house trying to make something work, but nothing was a "Good Fit" for his needs. I tried a small wicker stand that had a drawer but it was crowded on the top with all of his stuff..and there was nowhere to put his laptop when he finished with it in the evening before retiring...(well, it went on my dresser!) Then I tried a low sitting small coffee table with another little stand beside THAT to hold his laptop, but there were no drawers...argh.

And THEN! I spied exactly what I was looking for. It was on one of my favorite online selling sites. Yes. My friend Craig came to the rescue again.

A wood and rattan table listed in Swisher, Iowa. (I had NO idea where Swisher, Iowa was but it was listed in the Local Craig's so I called) The very nice man was willing to meet me at a Wendy's near where he worked right here in Cedar Rapids, and the rest was history..
It met all the requirements I had listed in my head for Kurt's table...Tall, two drawers, and shelves. And it fits in with my room's mix. It was in like-new condition and a very well built and sturdy piece.

I only needed to paint the wood portions black. So ONE HOUR LATER, after taping and taping and taping to cover all the Rattan on the table...It Was DONE! I really like it, and Kurt does too. :-)
Best Part?
*** It was only $15.00! ***
I followed up with a search on the web to see if I could find the retail price. No luck...but did find a link for the same piece in Chicago, Illinois on Craig's List. They wanted $85 for theirs. WOOT...think I got a deal, yes?
Once again, Craig's List has given me the "find" I was looking for. Do YOU know my friend, Craig? What a guy! :-)
I have never used Craig:) BUT that nightstand is PERFECT! Love the drawers AND the price! Enjoy your day my sweet friend! HUGS!
Just love your updates. Your adventuresome spirit and energy and enthusiasm is inspiring - and hopefully, contagious!
In Jesus, Paula
You and that darn Craig you are having your affair with is just not fair to us who don't know how to use this computer Julie!!! I swear "Craig" gets you the best gifts and he really knows what his woman wants. LOL. you did good lady!!!! nancy settel
$15?? WOW Julie, that is a steal! Love it!! xoxo ~Lili
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