As I was putting together a photo post my mind, I pondered the purpose of mirrors. They reflect. When you look into a mirror, you see exactly what is there, only in a reversed position - looking back at you. Mirrors don't lie or deceive. (gulp) :-)
Mirrors also reflect light...they brighten up any room or location where they are hanging.
In what was a dimmer or darkened space, a mirror will provide a bright spot.
In the verse above, God's word explains to us that when we KNOW Him... have spent time with Him, dwell with Him, recognize His presence with us each day, we behold His glory. It changes us, "transforms" our very being or countenance.
When we "go out" into the world...the place that God has planted us, are we ever considering this? When we are passing other people, rubbing shoulders with neighbors or friends, what are they "seeing" when they have an encounter with us?
Today...when you are running here and there, think about what others are viewing...and not so much with their "physical eyes"...but with their perceiving eyes, if that makes sense. Do they see a person who is transformed because they have Christ walking with them? Does having the Savior in your life actually make YOU look different?...Oh I would say to the Lord, for myself...I HOPE so.
You ~ whether you know it or not, if you are a child of God, and proclaim it...are reflecting to others...every day...a reflection of what God is like...a small view of what HE looks like...because He is transforming you to look like Himself, so that others might catch just a spark of HIS GLORY.
Each one of is being changed in "degrees". So none of us are ever at the same setting in our glory shining. We are all on a journey, and as God works on us and in us through our circumstances and daily walk, the degree of glory we reflect "in the working of HIS hands on us" should be getting brighter and brighter.
Today, remember that you are reflecting to others "something!" What is it? Without speaking a word..what are you saying? Do others see a degree of transforming glory in your very being, because not only do you have that glory IN you, but you have spent time in the very presence of THE ONE today, and walked away shining...because you talked to Him?
I spy a furry angel in this mirror. :-)
A post into my personal ponderings e-journal this morning...Am I reflecting glory? For the sake of the awesome and loving Savior of my life...I DO hope so.
"Now we see things imperfectly as in a cloudy mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity. All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely, just as God now knows me completely. Three things will last forever—faith, hope, and love—and the greatest of these is love." (I Corinthians 13: 12-13)
God bless any visitor who pops in today. When you see a reflection of yourself in a mirror today, look beyond the physical. :-)
And SMILE! A smile actually puts off very MUCH light to others. And usually you will get one reflected back to you. It's a win-win! RAH!

Hugs to my dear bloggy sisters.
I always see Him in you..that is why I love you. I so agree with your words here, deep and true. We should all be striving to have the Savior in our minds and hearts and to be filled with His that we can give it to all we come in contact with. Like you do. :D
WOW, you inspire me in sooooo many ways:) I am smiling today, God sure puts a light in our hearts and a smile on our faces! I pray that I will always be a light in someone's life because of the Love of Christ in my heart! Your mirrors are all so beautiful and reflecting beauty in them!
Have a blessed day my friend, HUGS!
Lovely, lovely post with lots of truth and encouragement. You know I just love I Corinthians 13:12-13! You have so many beautiful mirrors. I can't decide which I like best!
Have a beautiful rest of the day. We have a balmy
day today with clouds. Can't believe how warm it
Oh, yes, YOU are
most certainly
reflecting God's
glory, my friend!
And I am a big
believer in the
power of a smile,
even when I don't
get one back : )
xx Suzanne
I see Him in you every time I come here or visit me. I feel Him in you when I pray for you and your family.
Carrying generosity in our hearts shines. Holding doors, passing off a cart, helping someone with not enough hands. Just a friendly smile and have a good day goes so far.
We have no idea how many live a life or torture- and the only kind word they might hear today is yours.
Love your hair, your nails, your coat- find something and compliment someone just standing in line.
When I worked retail- I realized we hold the power to change someone's day. To either make it bad or good. We all need love.
I have people come up to me who have known me for years and ask me- you have something I want and I just can't put my finger on it.
I just smile and say His name is Jesus.
Bless you, Julie. You shine.
How's this for a coincidence :) I JUST bought a mirror JUST like the one in the 3rd picture down from GW today. LOVE IT! :)
Great spiritual message my dear friend! xoxo ~Lili
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