Well my blog sisters...it has come.
Here it is Wednesday November the 9th, and the white stuff is falling down here in Cedar Rapids...big pretty flakes. I am STAYING in...
Because it is snowing outside, I thought I would highlight another one of my favorite artists. I have already mentioned Charles Burton Barber with his sweet depictions of children and animals. And Andrew Wyeth. And last was Nancy Noel. What an amazing gift she has capturing the spirit of LIFE in her paintings...especially animals.
And today, I am posting about Robert Duncan. Has anybody ever seen his work?
I have two of his prints. I love them!
The first is An April Storm.
Adore all the animals here and the sweet little Sheltie.
The 2nd one is Winter Friends.
and there's that sweet little Sheltie again...
Hate the glare on the pics. Their faces are too precious... Go to the link below if you just want to see amazing artist skills in this man's work. What a gift...

Wherever you are today, and whatever temps you have in your hometown...keep a warm place in your heart. Make it a GOOD day. If God is able to create a small bird with all the necessary elements to keep it warm outside on a cold Wintry day, then HE most CERTAINLY can take care of all YOUR needs, no matter WHAT! amen! You BELIEVE in that.
Thanks for all who check in to this little spot in Cedar Rapids. God bless and many hugs surrounding you!!
Looks like it's hot cocoa time in Iowa. Do you have a working fireplace? Hope so!
In Jesus, Paula
All amazing artists and I didn't know one of them! I need to get around more.
Sorry you are getting snow there today, but guess it's heading my way. Have the central air on here. Had to run it yesterday, last night and need to check the temp outside. I know we are going to have to switch it back to heat soon enough. It's cloudy, but not sure if it's raining right now or not. Need to get my walk in in between the showers, for my days to play outside are numbered now for sure. Enjoy your day indoors...and the view from all your windows.
The husband is from Dubuque and has told me of all the rough winters he endured there! LOL I think it is the humidity in the midwest that makes it so cold. New Mexico had none of that, so it was a shock for me to encounter it. Glad we only have rain, so far! Thanks for visiting my blog. I need to get back to that little shop soon! ~ Sue
Oh my goodness, too early for snow:) I love those prints and haven't heard of that artist! Gonna go check out the link!
You are such a sweetheart, God WILL take care of our needs. I truly believe that and I pray for my needs to be met but I also say "Thank you for all of my many blessings"! Have a blessed evening keeping warm with your Honey:) HUGS
The picture of your yard..it looks like a painting! I love this artist too..and I have several of his work, everyone is so real and so beautiful. It has snowed here too and it is so cold! Hanging in there with lots of hot chocolate! ;D
Oh, the yard is beautiful. I love snow! I have heard of all the artists except Duncan. I will go and check his link. I love these paintings. That little sheltie looks a bit like my Toby.
Blessings & Hugs!
You have snow??? Wow. Enjoy! (I think. ha. I'm still pulling for an Indian summer to come back.)
Love the pics. God bless those who can create such masterpieces of art!
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