It's not a passing thought or whimsy our "I could see myself doing that" mental file.
"In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps." (Prov. 16:9)
And as we all know...God has a way of changing course for us in a blink of the eye...
I love the verse above because we DO plan. God wants us to. He desires for us to have a vision (goals)~ about our future days. So it is a good and blessed act to order our days and look to our ways. But it is a wise action to ask God to intervene or interrupt our plans where we may be stepping out of His plans...and HE DOES.

Somehow in asking for this, it helps us to handle and accept the course change when it inevitably happens.
One of my favorite sayings that many a time I say (in my head)...not wanting to appear RUDE in response to whatever someone is suggesting to me at the time, is

If someone had told me before last September that I would be moving to Iowa...I would have smirked inside...and said WHEN PIGS FLY!
If someone had told me that my 17 year old would move out there and be on his own for a weekend while his dad came back to collect a place where he knew NO ONE ...AND He was going on a road trip that weekend...alone...I would have LAUGHED and said WHEN PIGS FLY!
If someone had told me when I had my first born son that he would grow up and choose to become a Marine...I would have fearfully said...WHEN PIGS FLY!!!!!!
If someone had told me when I was 18 that I would NOT go to Nursing school and instead I would go to a college in SC and meet and marry a Michigan boy and end up being a homemaker...I would have scoffed and said ...WHEN PIGS FLY!
If someone had told me when I was starting a family that I would opt not to send them to school but choose to keep them home and do the schooling myself...I would have rolled on the floor and said ...WHEN PIGS FLY!!!
But today, I proclaim...God has "determined our steps" and HE will see it done, as He knows our entire path from birth to death, and He fully intends to lovingly keep His children stepping in the right way...His best laid plans for our good. I am forever grateful.
I would never want to be out of God's will....would you?
So whenever anyone comes to visit here...they will see THIS in the guest room...and I will be happy to let THEM know...just as I have here today...what it means to me.
**now I just need to get him a little pair of feathery wings...
Trust in the Lord with all your heart;
do not depend on your own understanding.
Seek his will in all you do,
and he will show you which path to take. (Proverbs 3:5-6)
Hugs to all my bloggy sisters spread around the states... :-) SMILING thinking about each one of you! Have a WONDERFUL and DELIGHTFUL day. Sunny here in Iowa...RAH!
I love this post ! Tx for sharing:) I too believe God sets a path for us and its up to us to follow through:)
LOVE! I needed this today:) If you don't mind sharing, where did you go to college in SC. That's were J and I are from originally :)
I love this, Julie! :-) I hear that phrase around here too and know exactly what it means. There's so many things in my own life that I NEVER would have imagined either! So thankful for God's grace to even make pigs fly. :-) Love you!
Just came across your blog and guess what...that is my favorite saying as well! I have a lot of them in my studio on display. Love a flying pig!!
Rainy here in Georgia today! But that is OK! Isn't it amazing how our lives take various paths... we just have to "take the steps determined by our Lord"! I can't believe you are ALL the way up there either! But, it all fell into place! The house sold and the move went smoothly (as far as I could see)! Enjoy this day and I will always think of you when I hear "when pigs fly"! HUGS!
My life has been full of "when pigs fly"...I am finally getting used to it! :D
Wonderful words of truth! God does guide our steps and makes everything turn out for our good if we love Him. I love that pig and all he stands for--and you even found that little plaque!
This was so cute to read Julie! And I know you LOVE every moment of it and wouldn't change anything. It reminds me of the saying: People make plans and God laughs! xoxo ~Lili
Hello mmate great blog
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