Saturday, September 25, 2010

Welcoming A HERO...

This coming week, I will not be at home. I will be going to welcome home a HERO.

One of:




The feeling is beyond words... Thank you all for your prayers and support.

And Woobie?.......Just a little while longer, buddy.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Our God is an Awesome God.
He reigns from Heaven above,
With wisdom, power, and love,
Our God is an AWESOME God.

My hero Marine is out of the War Zone and at Camp Leatherneck!!! I found out via Facebook....(unbelievable!)... technology today..... sometimes anti-climatic.... But I am praising the Lord!!!!

Our hearts are happy today. We thank God for keeping and protecting our treasure in a very violent war zone. In Justin's last letter, he made the comment that his Guardian Angel had been very vigilant. I know what that means.... It is Justin's cloaked way of telling me things without telling me things...

Thank you Lord.

Thank you ALL for YOUR VIGILANT prayers lifted up for Justin and for all of our military heroes.... We have now picked up the USMC 1/8 who have taken the place of the 1/2 as our specific warriors to cover, but let us all pray for the entire forces of military warriors who are continuing to battle and sacrifice for our freedom and another people's justice in another land. God Bless and Protect them and bring them home to the families that love them.

Master Justin....COME HOME!!!!!! I miss you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Blessings to all today!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Monday Musings for Labor Day 2010

Busy ..... Busy......

Well, here is a post for my last week of doings. Just for my personal online e-journal. There are more than a few times I have looked back to the previous year's post on that day to see what what was happening in our lives.

Sunday morning between 3 and 4 am we got a call from our Marine. He sounded good. It wasn't a long call, but it was simply outstanding to hear his voice again. I turned it over to his dad after I got my 54 questions in.

Not Long....Not Long....Not Long!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On Friday, September 3, this blogger woman turned a half a century in years. My oh My... I somehow thought when I turned 50 that it would be a trial and hardship to think of it and a resignation of mid-life coming up to smack me upside the head, handing me a sign saying "on my way to the Senior Prom..."

ha ha...Actually I have been saying I was 50 for the past year now, so when it actually came, it was just another day. NO big deal. My hubby was out of town ...far away, so I will celebrate this week sometime! :-)

I read blogposts that ask the cheerful question "what is your most favorite summer that you can remember?" For the future...if anyone were to be a bit reflective in a sad way, and ask "what has been your most difficult summer that you can remember?"...well, it would be summer of 2010.

Many things going on here at the homefront....with my mom and her battle with cancer coming to an end, My firstborn son being deployed in this violent war-on-terror in Afghanistan, and vigilantly waiting and hoping every day for my hubby's job to take a turn for the better as I watch him endure... and of course last but certainly not least...all the change that goes with the territory of being a woman who is in mid-life...(need I say more on that one?)

August brought on a whole new set of concerns and events that rattled our world here in this corner. We are praying much about it. There will come a post where I will be able to tell, but not for now.

As the weather begins to cool down, and beautiful Autumn approaches, I welcome it with relief and a smile. Change is good. Sometimes it is hard. But in this life, we are often faced with hard things to do, and if we choose the easy path, we will never, ever grow. Never stretch those muscles that we don't use because we don't have to. So many times, most people will choose the comfortable choice. WE don't like to step out of our Comfort Zone. All that is familiar....

"Don't Rock My Boat!!!!!!" we yell, raising our fist at that invisible circumstance that is cramping our lifestyle and making us HAVE to adapt and change.

Well, I know and hopefully you know...that is how God works. He simply uses events in our lives as tools to work on us, sharpen us, make us stronger...more to face even harder things next time we go around the bend...

So when there are days ....oh heck...weeks or months in your lives, where the pressure or stress level seems too still...take a breath...yes...inhale...exhale....BREATHE...see?...yes! you are still alive, still functioning, still moving. You are taking one day at a time, and that is the best thing to do. Watch, Wait, PRAY, LEAN IN CLOSE TO GOD, the one who is orchestrating all the events, choreographing all the steps for you to take....

Remain Calm and Carry On.

There is ONE who knows your beginning and your END. He is with You. HE will see you through it....ahhhhhh....exhale.....Do the next thing in front of you to do.

This too....shall pass.

Life is Good.