Once again...it's Wednesday. And Kathleen is faithfully always there, continuing her White Wednesday affair for all to come and join, visit, or just hang out a while.
Just for FUN for starters on this White Wednesday post...

I don't have a lot photographed today for Whites. But here is a sweet birdcage I got last year. It was chippy green and bent up a little bit. (Goodwill)
And well, you guessed it...Now it is white.
Another "save" for my screened porch I dream of. LOVED the heart shape and there is a little shelf across the middle for displaying something (one day.)
For today, here she poses, on the front porch steps, with a cheerful little pot of begonias and dusty miller. My White Wednesday party pic. :-)
And here are two fluffy whites for today.
Gideon lazy bones on the old quilt on my bed.
Rob Roy (Woobie) Justin's LoneWolf, outside looking for squirrels to chase!
That's All! Thanks for dropping in today. Hope your day is full of precious moments and that you remember what my Justin always says. LIFE...is what you make of it.
Whatever you face today, it is nothing that you and GOD can not face and make it through. With HIM on your side, you are more than a conquerer. There is none alive that can contend with Him, and HE can not be shaken. Stand on THAT rock!
I am closing with this verse I came across reading....(it's relevant! ...has the word "white" in it. )
"I will be your God throughout your lifetime—until your hair is white with age.I made you, and I will care for you.I will carry you along and save you." Isaiah 46:4
God is with us to the very last breath of this lifetime here on earth. Courage!
Blessings And Hugs!

I love Isaiah 46:4. My husband and I
claimed that as one of our verses
when we went gray--white rather!
Your baby Gideon looks so much
like my sweet boy Gabe did. Oh,
I miss him so much. I don't know
what breed I like get next, really
thinking about it though. Any
suggestions, Julie? Remember my
Shaun is autistic so I must have
a calm and gentle dog.
Great post, Julie. That bird cage certainly had a transformation! Beautifully done. Looking forward to seeing it in your screened in porch when the Lord blesses you with it.
Hugs coming to you!
Hello...is that peacock the one that lives at Ft. Wilderness at Walt Disney World? I have a photo just like that and was wondering! Lovely bird cage and blog! Very happy I stopped by!
Love the bird cage! What sweet puppy dogs! Happy White Wednesday!
Back Porch Blessings,
Sweet little birdcage! I just love painting things white. I have TWO white birdcages and would buy more if they were the right price! Have a blessed day and I think the puppy is watching for Justin to come walking up:) HUGS!
Thank you so much for sharing your precious pictures and the scripture. Today I find myself needing that reassurance more than ever. You have no idea how much you have blessed me today!! Thank you so much!!! I hope you have a Wonderful White Wednesday!!
Wonderful words and I love the birdcage too! Come say hi :D
I've been waiting all day to finally reach your post! I saw the little thumbnail of the heart-shaped birdcage, and it was so tempting to skip over all the other blogs to get here, but I knew I'd lose my place if I did! I love that birdcage, and have wanted one since I saw one just like it, but it was marked $15! I'm sure another one will come my way one day! Love your fluffy whites today too!
Happy White Wednesday!
Darling little birdcage! Even cuter pups, loved the sleepy little guy resting on the bed! I think Woobie is looking for his Marine ;D! Hope you had a great White Wednesday :) Blessings & prayers for you,your family, mom & dad & your Brave Marine!!! RAH Marine Mom!!
I love the shape of your birdcage, but my favorites are your pooches. So sweet.
I'm glad you could play along today.
Your verse was particularly meaningful to me today. Thanks for posting that one.
Oh, your fur babies are adorable. I have four of my own and one is white! That is a gorgeous peacock photo. I have never seen an all-white peacock before.
Thank you for joining with me in prayer for the Old House roof. I am believing with your for new windows and siding. I know the blessings are on their way. God is good.
Love your pups:) And that white Peacock is amazing. Your cage is great too. Have a wonderful week. Love your verse.
Blog: Capers of the vintage vixens
That birdcage is so fabulous but I really love the pooches! What sweet faces they have!
Sweet Julie! Finally, I have a minute to pop over and thank you profusely for your lovely and thoughtful comments ~ they mean so much! Your photos of your dogs are really special. And I like the fact that you are saving things for the porch that you WILL have....that you are making it a reality by making preparations. And you know what? I have no doubt that it will come to be. xx Suzanne
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