So Here's a few more!
Have you ever noticed how many words and sayings are scattered about in someone's house as you are walking through it? Something funny, or sacred, or homey, or famous, or inspirational...
As I walked around my house, I was surprised at how many things were expressing a thought through words. "Wall Words" seem to be all the rage now, in the form of vinyl clings or rub-on words and art.
What are the words on your walls and in your displays saying about you?!
What do you find out about me through the MANY sayings and words adorning my home?
Let's start outside...
OOH-RAH Justin!
For the sake of UPS and FED EX guys!
Not Really.....
Wishful Thinking :-)
Southern Welcome
Favorite "little" Words
where the comfy couches are...
Not to say I should be treated like one....
Oh the transformation
Had to have this... in honor of all the pups and fosters that destroyed shoes in this house
So true...
Yikes! This keeps me walking
to be loved unconditionally...yes, we love canines.
It's the small moments sprinkled through our days that make intimate relationships...
To dream, and believe in the possibility of your dream... Keep Hoping!
Amen! Don't let the sun go down on your anger...
Again, Hang on to those dreams...some days, they keep you going.
Faith, Hope, and Love, these three remain.. (I Cor 13) sigh, the store didn't have Love.
Again, Believe. With God, NOTHING shall be impossible.
Family... They are the ones who will always put up with you when nobody else will.
Oh there was never a truer statement. God is our sustenance and provider. We have been blessed. In the good days and bad...God is good - all the time
them's Dog Words
Hang on to it.
Teach it to your kids.
Always speak it. Live this out loud in your home. Deceit will tear your nest apart!
A necessary FIRST step in the morning...
To accept less is to be untrue to God, yourself, and those around you.
Whatever happened to honorable character????...integrity...respect...excellence
Here's where it all happens, behind Curtain Number number 2. Kids, let's make a Deal...
Just because...Farmhouse charm.
a charming eatery where drinks and snacks are served, company is good, and conversation flows around the table...our kitchen.
French, of course, for Thank You. Gracious Words of Gratitude. An attitude of Gratitude every day keeps one from whining and complaining. Be More thankful. Count your blessings. Say thank you....OFTEN, especially to God.
Well, that's a heap of words. Like I said, I was surprised at all of the expressions floating around the rooms. I probably missed some. If you weren't home, what would your house say to a visitor? :-)
Have a blessed day !