Thursday, May 20, 2010

This thing called....Blogging

I began a journey back at the end of February 2009, when I decided that I wanted to write down some things as I entered a new season. Same journey...just a new path being cleared ahead of me as I watched my first treasure leave home. When Justin spread his wings and headed down to Parris Island...all alone, it was oh so difficult.

I was entering a new walk as a mom, and as a woman nearing 50 years old. Life was marching on, and I was having to move with it. Let's face it, I was entering midlife.
Yes, just like Barbie. ***(and here is the REAL Barbie, ladies...) Yes she turned 50 last year, and here is the one who faced life with gusto and guts. She aged gracefully, and that is exactly what I want to do!

I wanted to try something different.... Express myself and write down my experiences and all that life was bringing my way, how it was changing me and deepening my relationship and trust in God and pulling my family in ....closer. I wanted to become a little more transparent. I am a very private person, and felt that to be almost a fault.

And so, I entered the blogging world. I even set my blog up myself and had an adventure seeing how far I could get without getting my tech-savvy daughter to help me. I did pretty good! She was proud of me.

The blogosphere is made up of all blogs and their interconnections. The term implies that blogs exist together as a connected community, or as a social network in which everyday people can publish their opinions.

It has been a journey in itself as I look back now and see how my blog has evolved, changed, transformed, and grown. Oh my ...what I didn't know was the friendships I would develop through this modern day communication system.

I have met so many women who like me have joined this community to write and share and encourage and be encouraged. What a thrill. I am writing this little blogpost today just to sound off, to give a cheer, to say OOO-RAH for all of my beautiful blog sisters out there who share common ground with me.

The more we read about other women's walks through their own personal journeys, the more we realize that we are all the same. Different circumstances, yet the same challenges through trials and storms, sadness and indignations...the same joys through celebrations and special moments, adventures and laughter.

This post today is to say Thanks to all of you out there who share, and by that, help the rest of us to have better days because of you. I am grateful.

As I journey through my days awaiting the return of my Marine from Afghanistan, caring for my mom and helping my dad as we watch her fading in her 15 year battle with cancer, watching and anticipating how God will unfold and reveal His best for my husband's continued journey in his career after unemployment days, seeing my treasures here at home grow and stretch their wings...I am sure my posts will continue to change, adapt, and most days ....overcome.

This little place in the big vast blogosphere is my little mark, my small voice typed into an online personal "e-journal". - A scrapbook of sorts with pictures and photos, and sayings.

I am glad I jumped in. It has definitely been a good part of my journey in this new season of life.

Hugs and Love to all of my bloggy sisters. You are definitely counted as treasures
in this lifetime. Thank you for the smiles and encouragement you dole out. God's best blessings to you...

"A friend is always loyal, and a brother is born to help in time of need."
Proverbs 17:17

"The heartfelt counsel of a friend is as sweet as perfume and incense."
Proverbs 27:9

"As iron sharpens iron,so a friend sharpens a friend." Proverbs 27:17

Thanks for praying....God bless, and Semper Fi!


Cindy Lou said...

As the days go by and we blog together I get a little bit closer to each one of my blogging friends! Through heartbreaks and happiness I am enjoying every step in this journey with each one of them!! You are such an inspiration to me and ALWAYS have an encouraging word! You are such a blessing to me!! OOH RAH to you my dear friend!! May God ever bless you and your family and may he comfort you all with everything that is going on with your mama!! God Bless you...From Georgia!!!

Julie Harward said...

Some realness from Barbie..hadn't seen that before! Yes, we are more alike than different, I have know that about people for years but I really do see it here. I'm so glad to have connected with you sweet Miss Julie! Come say hi :D

billypandnikkysmom said...

What a beautiful post, I learned something about you today and it is something we share...we are very private people! Yes me too, when Cindy asked me to blog I felt too shy but found it was easier to write/type thing sout here and then sharing became a little easier! I watched my strong handsome father become sick, too sick to open his eyes as his cancer fianlly took him from us. I watched as our oldest grew into a beautiful young woman, went on to school, got her degree, moved out & is now going to be married. My heart broke as our youngest walked out of the back door and down the drive & headed off to Parris Island....I have found comfort here in blog world, I can vent, I can laugh, I can cry & I do it all with my bloggin gsisters! Love & prayers to you Dear julie ~ OOHRAH & Semper Fi!!

CACHANILLA73 said...

Julie, thanks for entering this world because I have learn so much by reading you. I was nervous about blogging, I didn't know if somebody will care what I write about or what would think of me. But I am glad I did jump in this adventure, first in Spanish, then when I discovered so many people share my love for vintage/retro items. I have read so many blogs and personal stories, I have found new strength and as you said we are alike even if we look different or have different backgrounds.
Thank you for you kind words and for taking the time to visit when you can. God bless you and you dear parents, you know I am praying for you Marine safe return...

Cotty ;)

Theresa said...

Oh my sweet friend! What would I do without all of you? I am so thankful to have all of you in my life! We all lean on each other in bad times and cheer each other on in good times! We are connected thru prayer and I truly consider you my Sister! Have a blessed evening, prayers are coming your way for all you are going thru and for your sweet Justin to stay safe! I love you! (((((((HUGS))))))))

Sandy said...

That was so very sweet, Julie. I know we've
just met, but I feel I know you. I realize
that's because we love this same wonderful
One called Jesus. I really enjoyed your
words today.
I know you're a dog lover, as I am. Last
night we had to have our sweet Gabriel,
put down. He was dying slowly of many
different ailments. It was so heartbreaking.

Janean said...

what a good post: aging gracefully....a sisterhood....friends....all good.

Manuela@A Cultivated Nest said...

So that's what Barbie really looks like LOL!

What a lovely and heartfelt post!


Joyce said...

Loved your post.. and though we've never met... you know I love you too! It was such a true post for all of us speaking from the heart. He are going through the ups and downs of life together and my blogger friends mean so much to me! In the comments... I am sorry to see Sandy had to put her doggy down. That is sad. I will pray for her. I am happy to see I have someone to be accountable to for exercise. Everyone else gave up on me because I am a quitter. Don't let me quit! I will keep you going too! xoxo