Saturday, May 28, 2011


Happy Memorial Day weekend to all of you passing through.
May you have a wonderful time of rest and recreation with family or friends...

My front door view - Memorial Day weekend 2010

May we all remember as we smile and have fun that we still live in the greatest nation in the world. All of the pleasures and freedoms we have to do what we wish are because there is no one over us to oppress those pleasures and rights that are ours simply by living in a country where the people can have a voice...a say.

God bless the ones who are WILLING to set aside - to sacrifice - for a time in their young lives - all of those pleasures and freedoms - and GO another land - to take remove from power...the very ones who would like to come and oppress our people if given the chance.

God bless our military ...God bless America.
We are still one nation...under God....THANK GOD. May He never remove His Hand that overshadows our nation and blesses it and protects it. Pray....America....Pray...

Old Glory Patriotism brought to you courtesy of the Woodberry Canine Marine Corp supporter Devil Dawgs... both past and present ones....

Have a great weekend everybody... God's best blessings to you...

In memory - Annie Grace

In memory - Sam


"Woobie" Justin's devil dog mascot


Semper Fi...

And a note I would remind my Honorable Marine if he were here to read it...and to all of you that face your own battles and struggles today...

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9

RAH! Stay Strong my honorable Justin.. God protect you!


Friday, May 20, 2011

WALLS... Blank Canvases

That's right...The definition of a Wall....(to me) a Blank Canvas. Obviously I am not a minimalist...nor am I:

one who sticks to symmetry...or matching styles or periods of decor....

strict themes in one room....

one or two shades of color....

one or two patterns in fabrics...

I am a true ECLECTIC through-and-through....

I never have been one to want my rooms to look like someone popped the roof off of my home and dropped an entire room of matching and co-ordinating decor down to the lamp shades and trash cans into the space...It just wouldn't be ME! ROOMS TO GO just wasn't made for me...

I am a Nester...constantly moving twigs around, rearranging and reweaving them together, moving them from one side of the nest to another side...flying about here and there always keeping my eyes open for things that reach out or shout out to me ...sparkley things....

My home....NEST....has always evolved...constantly changing in small ways...I have thrifted for years and my mama and my grandmama did before me. I do enjoy it. I think it is a part of what defines me. My dear husband knows this and I think has finally come to peace with it...He loves me.

I consider my's be an extension of myself, my personality, my family and their likes and interests...a house is just a big can move into it and begin to make it your own. It will speak of who you are. And the love you fill each room with, the words you speak to the cherished people residing in it, the moments you create in that dwelling...are what make a house...the box...a HOME...a nest...a haven from the outside world...A place of security and sanctuary.

When family walks in the door, and for that matter, guests too, they can let their hair themselves,...not be criticized or made fun of for who they are...their distinct and unique selves...THAT is what nesting is all about.

And above all else...A home is where God resides...right smack dab in the middle...the foundations are poured and formed with His Love, His Words, His Ways... and then there is Blessing....

As this is what I believe, I proclaim it on a piece of that blank Canvas in my Cottage. When people walk in our front door, this is the first thing their eyes may see....

It's not perfect, since I did it free-hand,...but it speaks of what is true...and there it shall stay, til I walk out the door and hand the keys to somebody else. And I do hope that they will have the same blessings that our family has had in this wonderful home.

I am highlighting another Artist today that I love. Four of her works of art cover some of the blank canvases in my home. I love animals and I love children.(guess that's why I do child-care at church and petsitting...ya think?)

Nancy Noel - see and read all about her HERE:

Just for a few minutes of "eye delight"...pop in and view her paintings...AWESOME.

I have had her art since before I had my kids...Love it...I would have so much more...but I do love other Artists as well... Nancy Noel has done breathtaking work of the Amish and animals, and also of angelic images...

Over my bed....titled "Sarah"

Filling a blank canvas between the closets in my room ~ luvin' on that chicken.... titled"Emma"

In the front entry hall...oh so innocent looking, don't ya love that big hat on that little head?... titled "My Calf"

A handsome Rooster in a chicken box- over my Den mantle...titled "Fine and Fancy"

So for today, that's what I have to say... to share...another part of what defines I feel about my house, my home, what it says to people who visit...a little more detail about what moves and inspires me...

No...I'm NOT a minimalist...though I believe in the Simple Life...I love to display all things that give me joy and gives others an idea of what makes me....ME!

Hugs to all my Bloggy sisters and any others who drop in today.

Another fun post about life in the Cottage on Woodberry...

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Heaven Help me....

That's what I said...yes..."Heaven help me, I'm gonna get this hallway DONE!!!!!"
And grace came down from Heaven...I got her done...

Seven Doorways...COUNT them....

I'm standing in the doorway entering the Den/Family Room. 1
To the left is the Hall Entry to the Master Bath (Grand Central Bath) 2
Next left is the Master Bedroom Entry 3
At the end of the hall is the door to the Linen Closet. 4
On the right is an Under the Stairs storage/Vacuum/Cleaning supplies Closet. 5
Last on the right is the Door entering from the Front Hall Entry 6
Oy...where's #7?

Oh yes... back in the turn there...Kam's Bedroom door 7

I had DREADED and PROCRASTINATED painting this downstairs hall. The upstairs hall has 5 doorways and that was bad enough...But Heaven Help Me...I did it. Thank you Lord for endurance to do it!!!

There's still some hardware to be put back on the walls and new switchplates and a doorknob, but the big job is done. (LOTS and LOTS of White Semi-Gloss...)

Kurt will be happy that this is out of his garage/man-cave...I had it out there waiting to be painted and distressed white, but that will have to wait til next house.When the boys started throwing everything in the 25 yard dumpster, I had to hurry and clear my stuff OUT!!
In the meantime she will rest here. I was SO tickled to find this old piece at Habitat for Humanity one visit. It had just come out on the floor that afternoon. It is usually called an Apothecary Cabinet or Chest. I have never come across one before that was in a Thrift Store, only in Antique Stores with a price tag that always popped my eyes out...I hope this will become a possible crafting-hobby storage center in my next home. or maybe it will be in a large kitchen...WE shall see. But I am so happy to have stumbled across it.

A year or so ago I did a post on FAVORITES, and Charles Burton Barber was listed as one of my favorite artists. This is one of his prints that I have acquired. It has hung in my living room and in my bedroom. Now it is in the back hall. I LOVE the small rosy-cheeked child in the blue velvet riding habit and hat, riding on the scruffy Shetland pony with all the dogs clamoring around. The title is "Rival Distractions."
Burton Barber lived from 1845-1894 and did some fantastic works with children and animals, which are my favorites...(ya know).

Speaking of animals, specifically dawgs...this was Gideon when I was finished with that MR. PAINTBRUSH and the hall...

MOM....Can we have supper.....NOW??????????? Bless their hearts. They have really been through a lot (very messed up routines and LOTS of noise lately) and have just been very good pups...**constantly wondering what the move will be like for them???

Well, I am closing another CHANGES post. Got that hall done Babe...You would be proud of me...I swannee...I can't believe I'm not waking up in the middle of the night with my arm up in the air making paint strokes - up and down...up and down...MAYBE I AM...but just not waking up, I'm so tired some nights...

Thanks to all who pop in to visit and chat. Hugs to you all. Getting that to do list whittled down....but this one prompted a "WHEW!" when done.

Still having warm fuzzies that my Marine is back in the States...Thank you Lord. :-)
Love him and all my kids to pieces. And Hon, I sure sure do miss you... Staying busy...

God Bless You All ....God Bless my Hubby far away....God Bless America...God Bless our Fighting Military Heroes...

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Congratulations to Kathleen for her wonderful success with the White Wednesday parties each Wednesday rain or shine. I have enjoyed joining in on many of these AND getting to view all the pretty whites so many bloggers have to share. Many many inspirations out there.

I haven't done one in a while just 'cause I have been busy, and mostly just trying to record life events in the crazy busy present days..BUT FOR THIS SPECIAL OCCASION...#100...I am joining in. She is having some fantastic giveaways to celebrate with everybody!

Join in yourself, either by posting some WHITES of your own, or just visiting to view all the participants. Go HERE!

Chippy white wrought iron, white roses and spirea, and vintage milk bottles...serene

One of three cane-back chairs I acquired last year, that I finally got recovered!!
You know I can't help doing it blue and white...

The other two were covered in this pretty red print to co-ordinate with the four Dining room chairs I have. They are in a perfect chippy/aged condition.

This is a photo of a mini-chandy that my dad just got wired for me in the redone kitchen.(found last summer at Habitat Re-Store)

It gives an added dose of cottage charm. I love it. He rewired it with a plug-in rather than straight wiring into the ceiling so that I can take it with me when we move! THANKS Dad!!... pretty soft white lighting over the sink now.

a large (24") creamy white clock found at Habitat for Humanity, the hands were broken, but I repaired it and now she tells time in the redone Guest room.

chippy white wrought iron "necessity paper" holder, white rosette heart...primping the redone Master Bath.

double cabinets over the frig~redone with chicken wire and a light, filled with white favorites and milkglass...

A Favorite of mine...a vintage crackled pitcher with cheerful polka dots to hold my kitchen utensils..sharing it again for this 100th party.

a Goodwill find - a tarnished silver candlabra painted white and given a touch of blue for the Guest Room.

**a few of these are repeat posted photos from recent posts. I apologize for any having to view again...just wanted to add them to the 100th white celebration party...

Gideon adds his own white arrhooo Congrats to Kathleen...he heartily approves of her White Wednesdays!

Woobie said "ME too!!"

Blessings and sunshiny days wished upon all of you! Thanks for popping in today!

Hugs to all bloggy sisters!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Hopes....Dreams...Desires of the Heart

"Trust in the Lord and do good.
Then you will live safely in the land and prosper.
Take delight in the Lord,
and he will give you your heart’s desires.

Commit everything you do to the Lord.
Trust him, and he will help you....

Be still in the presence of the Lord,
and wait patiently for him to act."
(Psalms 37:3-5,7)

Today's Inspiration Photo

A little bit of this...A little bit of that....dreamin' ~ hopin' ~ desirin' ~

A LOT of this...A LOT of that.... Praying ~ Trusting ~ FAITH ~ Hanging On....

Maybe...maybe God might grace us with a leeetle bit of acreage...a little nest of a farm, a hobby farm...way out there in Iowa...maybe...May God's desires and best for us become MY desires...for in waiting patiently for HIM to act, HE will transform my heart and desires to look like HIS.

"Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence." Helen Keller

"Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul.
And sings the tune
Without the words,
and never stops at all."
Emily Dickinson

Hugs to Da Man....

God Bless Our Military Members all over the world with stamina, strength and success!

Hugs to all Bloggy sisters stopping by today. God Bless YOU!!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Happy Anniversary to my Iowa Man...

This blogpost is specifically being sent out across the airwaves to a very special man in......

Then the Lord God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.”
So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and while he slept took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh. And the rib that the Lord God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man. Then the man said, “This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.”
Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh." (Genesis 2:18, 21-24)

"Love is the condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.” ~ Robert Heinlein

"The most wonderful of all things in life, I believe, is the discovery of another human being with whom one's relationship has a growing depth, beauty, and joy as the years increase. This inner progressiveness of love between two human beings is a most marvelous thing; it cannot be found by looking for it or by passionately wishing for it. It is a sort of divine accident, and the most wonderful of all things in life.” ~ Hugh Walpole, Sr.

“I don't pretend to know what love is for everyone, but I can tell you what it is for me; love is knowing all about someone, and still wanting to be with them more than any other person, love is trusting them enough to tell them everything about yourself, including the things you might be ashamed of, love is feeling comfortable and safe with someone, but still getting weak knees when they walk into a room and smile at you.”

To my Bear...Happy Anniversary...29 years and still going strong...but missing you like MAD!!! So wishing you and I were together today...First time we have been apart on our anniversary. I would marry you all over again...Love you with all my heart, and you know you hold the key. Praying that we are back together again soon.

I thank God for the pleasure and privilege to be your partner, and help-meet and supporter in this journey of Life... Thankful we stayed together through all the ups and downs, and twists and turns.