Tuesday, June 26, 2012

What ARE those creatures?

Good Morning... Gideon here...shhh! I'm whispering because Mom doesn't know I'm keyboarding, and I'm trying to hurry. I just needed to get on here and VENT...

But first...I thought I would post a photo of myself freshly groomed! If I have to go through all of that stress and trauma, (and wear that dumb bandanna til I get back home), then I think something beneficial should come from it... Maybe someone will see me, and I'll become a poster canine.

Now on to trifling events...

As of last Friday, some foreigners have invaded next door.

They pretty much look like THIS...I can't operate mom's camera, so I pulled this picture from the web...

Every time Kobe, Woobs, and I want to go out....sigh...THERE they are on the other side of the fence, and they start up with some kind of simulated bark...not sure what that noise is...I heard mom say "yapping". But then WE start barking, and mom gets all flustered and says something about deafening cacophony (whatever THAT means..)
but she looks something sort of like THIS...

Evidently, some family members are visiting the neighbors and brought their furkids with them...Mom always tries to find the bright side of something, and says that at least they don't LIVE there...

I think that is a good thing too, because it sure made her cranky when Kobe went to the fence and was shouting back at the funny looking foreigners and trampled her newly bloomed lillies!!!!

This Dude...

got sent to...

heh heh...he's putting on the pitiful look to try and get out sooner!! **Mom's a sucker cause it ALWAYS works...

Anyway...I'm hoping they decide to go back home soon, and I think Mom hopes they go back home in the next hour....!!!

I'll leave you with a parting shot of what my final conclusion is...I do believe I've figured out who they are...

I say Peace to you Strangers...Happy Travels back to your home land - wherever it is. Can't wait til Mom looks Normal again...

STRESS is some kind of bad sickness...I'm thinkin'!!

Well, I gotta go do what I do BEST

Happy Tuesday, and oh yes...Mom always ends with a word about our favorite Marine. We miss him a lot.

WE LOVE YOU Justin...US dogs miss you, wherever you are!! Come Home to visit soon! God BLESS you!!

signing off with this pretty cool pic I found!!!... woof!! here comes mom...BYE!


Gracie's Cottage said...

Haha!...cute post! And a big 'thanks' to your Marine - God Bless him and all who serve.


Lisa notes... said...

Smiling at all the cute dogs. I always wonder what my neighbor thinks when my "granddog" comes to visit. She's a yapper (which I cannot handle for long). ha.

Hope you're having a great week, Julie. Love you!

Tete said...

LOL- oh, sounds like a fun time there. Ears plugs. A hose at the fence might work, too. You know, you are out there watering your flowers and oops, someone got shot in the face. LOL
Hope your peace and quiet resumes before the hot weather runs you back inside.
Hitting here tomorrow, but the nasty day is Thursday.
Off to play! ARF!

Mom on a mission said...

Very cute post! It our a huge smile on my face:-)

Mom on a mission said...


Anonymous said...

I always enjoy Gideon's posts! He is such a clever fur person to know how to use the keyboard and all.

But, honestly, Mom, how could you send that dear sweet Kobe to time out? :( He thought he was protecting you, you know, by going to the fence where those bad doggies were yapp...I mean barking. He just forgot about the lilies. So come on, Mom, be a good sport...let Kobe get up...unless he's fallen asleep by now.

Hugs to you sweet Bloggy Sis!

Theresa said...

Cute post!!! Hope the yappers go home soon so you all can have some peace;). Praying daily for your Marine;). Hugs

Leslie said...

So cute! I wouldn't be able to keep that sweet face in a time out either. Gideon is just adorable.

Manuela@A Cultivated Nest said...

LOL! They are all adorable but I know the noise can be irritating. I've found that I can handle a big dog bark much better than a little dog yap - don't know why. But mix them all together and it's too much. Hopefully the yappers are just visiting for the holiday!